Disclaimer clause

1 Overview

1.1 General

Before using or accessing the website operated by SaltSwap.io, including www.mgt.saltswap.net, the API located at https://mgt.saltswap.net/api2 and any services provided through the website, any related mobile applications Programs and APIs such as https://mgt.saltswap.net/zendesk (collectively, the "Services") any related software, forums, blogs, social media pages and other related platforms operated or maintained by www.SaltSwap.io (collectively, (the "Site"), you must read this User Agreement (the "Agreement") carefully to read and understand all terms and conditions, especially those highlighted in capital letters, italics, boldface, underline, or color. This Agreement consists of the text, the privacy policy (available here) ("Privacy Policy"), and any rules, statements, instructions, etc. that have been published or may be published in the future on this website. For the convenience of wording in this Agreement, the website, www.mgt.saltswap.net and/or any of its affiliates, related body corporates are referred to as "we", "our", "us" or the "website".

By accessing, downloading, using or clicking "I Agree" to accept any www.mgt.saltswap.net service, you agree that you have read, understood and accepted all terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and that you may be required to accept such Agreement Any other agreement serves as the Privacy Policy. In addition, when using certain features of the Service, you may be subject to specific additional terms and conditions applicable to those features.

Please read these Terms carefully as they govern your use of the Service and access to the Website. These Terms contain important provisions, including arbitration and mediation provisions requiring that all claims be resolved through mediation and legally binding arbitration. By accessing the Site and using the Services, you acknowledge and agree, among other things, that 1) trading or holding coins, tokens, cryptocurrencies, digital currencies or similar digital assets involves significant risks and losses may be substantial, and that you Any losses and liabilities incurred are not insurable. You understand the risks associated with trading the above digital assets and their derivatives; 2) You shall bear all risks associated with the use of services and transactions with the above digital assets and their derivatives; and 3) Under no circumstances will we be liable responsible for any such risks or adverse results arising therefrom.

This website only provides you with online transactions and platform services for you to engage in digital asset trading activities through this website (including but not limited to digital asset transactions, etc.). This site does not participate in digital asset transactions as a buyer or seller, and does not provide services related to legal currency recharge and withdrawal in any country or region.

1.2 Risk warning

(a) The digital asset market is new, unproven and will not necessarily expand.

(b) The digital assets themselves are not provided by any financial institution, company or website.

(c) Digital assets are primarily used by speculators and have relatively little use in retail and commercial markets.

(d) Digital asset trading carries high risks, as it trades throughout the day, there are no limits on price rises and falls, and market makers and global government policies may cause significant price fluctuations.

(e) Cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are different from traditional fiat currencies, commodities or commodities in the market and present special risks. Unlike other traditional fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies are decentralized and not backed by a central bank, government, or other legal entity. Cryptocurrencies are currently largely unregulated. As a result, the value of cryptocurrencies may rise or fall based on the market, investor confidence, competing currencies, regulatory announcements or changes, technical issues or any other factors.

(f) Due to the significant risks of trading cryptocurrencies and the impact of technology and international markets, we cannot guarantee or guarantee that specific types of cryptocurrencies will be available on our Site and Services. We reserve the right to cease providing services on our website related to specific types of cryptocurrencies. If we stop supporting transactions or providing services related to a particular cryptocurrency, we will use reasonable efforts to notify you. If this is the case, you will not be able to convert that type of cryptocurrency to any other currency. However, you can choose to transfer your cryptocurrency to another user, platform or third-party site. Please note that we are not and will not be responsible for any fees you incur if you decide to transfer cryptocurrency to another user, platform or third-party website.

(g) We are not responsible for any cryptocurrency once it is transferred from our website to another website, device, platform, wallet or user. We are also not responsible for any cryptocurrencies sent to our website that are not traded on our website. We are not and will not be responsible for any cryptocurrencies sent to incorrect or incompatible wallet addresses. Examples of incompatible wallet addresses include, but are not limited to, the type of cryptocurrency being sent.

(h) Because we are unable to determine the counterparty to any transaction you make, we strongly recommend that you do not send cryptocurrencies to anyone you do not know or fully trust, as once sent, the transaction cannot be reversed. It is important that you take precautions when transferring and storing your cryptocurrency and/or digital assets on our platform or through other websites, wallets or devices. We are not responsible for the misappropriation or theft of your cryptocurrencies and digital assets. We strongly recommend that you become familiar with and use a personal wallet service or other device to store your digital assets, including cryptocurrency, and take other security measures. When operating in a digital environment, always use extra caution and precaution to protect your passwords.

(i) Digital asset trading carries a high level of risk and is therefore not suitable for most people. You acknowledge and understand that investing in digital assets may result in the loss of part or all of your investment, and it is therefore strongly recommended that you decide the amount of your investment based on your tolerance for loss. You acknowledge and understand that digital assets may generate derivative risks. Therefore, if you have any doubts, it is strongly recommended that you seek the help of professional advisors and seek relevant professional advice. In addition, in addition to the above risks, there may also be unpredictable risks. Therefore, it is recommended that you carefully consider and use rational judgment to evaluate your financial situation and the above-mentioned risks before making any decision to trade digital assets; all losses arising therefrom are your own responsibility, and we do not assume any responsibility in any way or manner. responsibility.

You are hereby notified:

(j) You understand that our website is intended only as a place for you to obtain digital asset information, find counterparties, negotiate and influence digital asset transactions. Our website does not participate in any of your transactions, so you should make your own decision to carefully evaluate the authenticity, legality and validity of the relevant digital assets and/or information, and bear the responsibility and losses that may arise therefrom.

(k) All opinions, information, discussions, analyses, prices, recommendations and other information on our website are general market commentary and do not constitute any investment, financial, tax or any other form of professional advice. We are not responsible for any losses arising directly or indirectly from or related to the above information, including but not limited to any loss of profits.

(l) We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or modify any content on the Site at any time. We have made reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the information on the website, however, we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information and are not responsible for any loss arising directly or indirectly from or in connection with the information on the website, or due to the failure to connect to the Internet, Any delay or failure in transmitting or receiving any notices and information.

(m) The use of Internet-based trading systems also involves risks, including but not limited to failure of software, hardware or Internet links. Considering that we have no control over the reliability and availability of the Internet, we will not be responsible for any distortion, delays and link failures.

(n) You may not use any part of the Website and Services to engage in any illegal transactions, activities or illegal activities, including but not limited to money laundering, financing of terrorism, smuggling and commercial bribery. If any illegal transactions, activities or improper activities are suspected or noticed, we will take and apply all available measures, including but not limited to freezing the offender's account and notifying the relevant authorities. We will not assume any liability arising therefrom and We reserve the right to hold relevant personnel accountable.

(o) You may not use any part of the Website or our Services for the purpose of malicious market manipulation, improper trading or any other illegal trading activity. If any such illegal trading activities are suspected, detected or discovered, we will take preventive and protective measures such as issuing warning notices, restricting transactions and closing accounts to prevent malicious manipulation including maliciously affecting the trading system and any other illegal activities. Behavior; We do not assume any liability arising therefrom and reserve the right to hold relevant personnel accountable.

1.3 SaltSwap.io provides an online service that allows users to exchange different blockchain assets between themselves, which assets generally represent transaction, access or other participation rights on the corresponding blockchain network (collectively, "Assets"). SaltSwap.io may provide you with other ancillary services to facilitate the exchange of blockchain assets. Depending on your country of residence, you may not be able to use all features of this website. You are responsible for complying with these rules and applicable laws of the country in which you reside and/or from which you access the Site and Services. By clicking the "Create Account" button or accessing or using the Services, you agree to be legally bound by this Agreement and accept all terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, you should immediately cease accessing the Site and using any part of the Services.

1.4 By creating an account on SaltSwap.io (an “Account”), you agree to maintain the security and confidentiality of your login credentials and to restrict access to your Account and your computer, tablet or mobile device. You are solely legally responsible for all activities that occur under your account and bear all risks of unauthorized access.

1.5 We reserve the right to change or modify this Agreement, ancillary service terms, event terms or announcements at our sole discretion from time to time without prior notice. The revised terms will be effective immediately upon posting. Your continued use of the Site and Services constitutes your acceptance of such changes or modifications. If you do not agree to any modified Terms, you must stop using or accessing our Services. By using and accessing our services, you are deemed to have agreed to and fully understood the contents of this Agreement and other affiliated service terms, including the terms revised by mgt.saltswap.net from time to time.

2. Qualifications

2.1 By accessing the Site or using our Services, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age and are legally able to enter into and be bound by contracts, including without limitation Agreements, and have not previously been suspended or removed from the Site or Services.

2.2 If you are accessing our Website and/or Services on behalf of any company, partnership, association, organization or any other entity type ("Entity"), your continued access to our Website and/or Services will constitute a representation by you to us , you are duly authorized by such entity to use our Site and our Services, to perform any transactions or activities thereon, and thereby bind your entity to this Agreement and any such transactions or activities performed by you. constraint. Therefore, when the term "you" is used in this Agreement and any related content, terms and policies, "you" refers not only to the actual user as an individual, but also to the entity you represent, and therefore both you and the entity are bound by this Agreement. Joint and Several Bindings of the Agreement. Accordingly, you also hereby covenant that the entity you represent is able and agrees to be bound by this Agreement.

2.3 You represent and warrant that:

(a) You are not on any trade or economic sanctions list, such as the United Nations Security Council sanctions list;

(b) you are not restricted or prohibited from engaging in transactions of any kind by the European Union, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department, the Office of Foreign Assets Control and any other administrative enforcement agencies or authorities in other jurisdictions;

(c) You are responsible for ensuring that your access to the Website and use of the Services complies with your local laws and regulations;

(d) You acknowledge that we reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to provide all or part of the Services only in certain markets and jurisdictions, subject to applicable local laws. We may restrict or prohibit use of all or part of the Services from:

i) We determine, in our sole discretion, that it is unsuitable or unsuitable for us to provide all or part of the Services; or

ii) If local law does not allow us to provide all or part of the Services from and/or to that jurisdiction, (collectively, "Restricted Locations"). Restricted areas include but are not limited to the United States, Mainland China, Singapore, Canada, Malaysia, Malta, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria, Crimea, Bolivia, etc. Please note that for purposes of this Agreement, we may from time to time impose certain restrictions on users in certain jurisdictions or terminate specific services.

We may update the list of restricted locations from time to time at our sole discretion and without prior notice. It is your responsibility to check the Site frequently to familiarize yourself with the list of restricted locations and to immediately cease accessing our Site and using our Services if you are located in any Restricted Location.

2.4 The content of these Terms shall not exclude the laws of the country or region where the user belongs, otherwise the user should immediately stop accessing this website and using this service. Therefore, if you do not meet these eligibility requirements, please stop accessing our website immediately and do not use our services.

2.5 In order to use our services, you should have the appropriate equipment and pay the charges that may be incurred, including but not limited to charges for computers, mobile phones, modems, and Internet connection and telephone charges.

2.6 By clicking the "I agree" mgt.saltswap.net User Agreement button, you will be deemed to have agreed to all the terms and conditions in this agreement and have the legal right and full ability to use all services, including but not limited to viewing only Information related to this service, placing orders, and conducting reasonable trading activities. You agree to bear all risks associated with, arising from, or related to such activities.

2.7 You shall provide accurate, up-to-date and complete information and shall not falsify or materially omit any information or provide misleading information to mgt.saltswap.net, including but not limited to using phone numbers or email addresses borrowed or stolen from others. . You may not use the Site or Services to defraud or wash trades or to cheat on transactions. We reserve the right to address such conduct with appropriate sanctions, at our sole and absolute discretion, including but not limited to disqualification of transactions and escrow of illegal proceeds, suspension of services, freezing.